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The Association for Sandplay Therapy, Inc. is an international professional non-profit organization dedicated to the training and registration of mental health clinicians as Sandplay Therapists in the tradition of the founder of the Sandplay method, Dora Kalff
The Association grants the designations . . .
Registered Sandplay Therapist, STR
Registered Sandplay Therapist-Consultant, STR-C
Registered Sandplay Therapist-Consultant Teacher – STR-CT
. . . to mental health clinicians who have completed training sufficient to practice, or to supervise and teach as a Sandplay Therapists. The Association also certifies the core training and materials used by STR-CT members in their teaching. More information
The Association for Sandplay Therapy is founded on the core principles of Sandplay practice taught by Dora Kalff. These include clarity of mind, heart and action in Sandplay Therapy, with full acknowledgement that it is a great responsibility and an honor to practice Sandplay. In order to bring these qualities to our Sandplay work Association Members recognize that we must live our lives with personal and communal integrity, with kindness, loving compassion, humility, transparency and playfulness.
The Association is overseen by a Council of Mentors who dispatch duties of business and management on behalf of the Association and serve as a body of wisdom to hold and guide the Association.
Council Members
Eunice Stagg, President
Ansa Bestbier
Janet Cassidy (Treasurer / Membership)
Rachel McGovern
Juliette Ttofa
Natalia Valyraki
Celia van Wyk
. . . there is harmony when we work together
Barbara Turner, Founder President Emeritus
Our Equality Statement
Dora Kalff’s, Sandplay