Association and Purpose
The Association for Sandplay Therapy, was formed the 12th January 2015. The Association, is an international professional society, is organized as a Non Profit Corporation in the State of Wyoming, for the purpose of maintaining the high standards of training and practice of Sandplay Therapy among mental health clinicians. The Association certifies Sandplay Trainings and teaching materials used by members for Sandplay education.
The Association is founded on the core principles of Sandplay practice taught by Dora Kalff, of Switzerland. These include clarity of mind, heart and action in Sandplay Therapy, with full acknowledgement that it is a great responsibility and an honor to practice Sandplay. In order to bring these qualities to our Sandplay work Members recognize that they must live their lives with personal and communal integrity, with kindness, loving compassion, humility, transparency and playfulness. These qualities constitute the governing foundations of the Association.
The Association is dedicated to promotion of Sandplay education and training to mental health clinicians and to the continued betterment of our Registrants as professionals and as human beings.
As a professional society, the Association grants Registration as Sandplay Therapists to clinicians who have trained sufficiently to practice Sandplay independently in their own clinical settings. The Association and its Membersacknowledge and agree that the Registered Sandplay Therapist practices apart from and not under the auspices of the Association. The Association makes no claims of responsibility for any outcomes or liabilities resulting from Members’ actions or behaviors in anyway related to the practice of Sandplay.
Association Membership

Membership consists of mental health clinicians from all nations, who support the values and purposes set forth herein. The term Member is used generically. These are affiliated therapists and not “members” in the legal sense of being shareholders or owners of the Association. There are three classes of Members:
Member Association for Sandplay Therapy- MAST
This level of General Membership consists of mental health clinicians who are supportive of the guiding principles of the Association; who are studying or interested in studying Sandplay Therapy. MAST Members are welcomed at Association events; will receive newsletters and similar publications.
Registered Sandplay Therapists – STR
This level of membership is granted by the Association to MAST Members who have satisfied the registration requirements. STR Members are granted the right to describe themselves as STR – Registered Sandplay Therapists and to use this designation in any professional publications, promotional materials, etc. STR Members are entitled to advertise and list themselves as members of the Association for Sandplay Therapy. STR Members may provide Sandplay process to MAST Members who are working to become Registered STR Members.
Registered Sandplay Therapist – Consultant STR-C
The Association grants Registration as a Sandplay Therapist to mental health clinicians who demonstrate significant training and experience in Sandplay Therapy as outlined in the Registration Requirements. The Association grants Registration as a Sandplay Therapist-Consultant to mental health clinicians who demonstrate significant training, experience and preparedness to supervise Sandplay Therapy clinicians. Registration as a Consultant in Sandplay Therapy entitles the clinician to use the designation, Registered Sandplay Therapist-Consultant– STR-C.
Registered Sandplay Therapist – Consultant Teacher STR-CT
To qualify as a Sandplay Therapist Consultant Teacher, the candidate must have been an RST-C for a minimum of 3 years, along with the the specifications listed on the Requirements page. The Consultant Teacher delivers trainings using the AST approved Core Curriculum. Registration as a Consultant Teacher in Sandplay Therapy entitles the clinician to use the designation, Registered Sandplay Therapist-Consultant Teacher STR-CT.
Membership Details
Membership renews annually on the anniversary of your registration. You will automatically receive a renewal invoice two weeks before the due date. Annual dues are $100 to cover administration for STR, STR-C and STR-CT and $75 for MAST Members
Council of Mentors
Administration of Registration in Sandplay and Operations
The Association will appoint a Board of Directors, as specified by law to serve as a Council of Mentors. The Council of Mentors will dispatch duties of business and management on behalf of the Association and will serve as a body of wisdom to hold and guide the Association.
Decisions of the Council of Mentors will be made by consensus wherever possible. The Council of Mentors will direct the Association as it grows in accord with the core values. If the Council is unable to arrive at a consensus, the President will make the deciding vote.
The Council of Mentors is authorized to make and execute all decisions pertaining to the Association including, but not limited to, management of all business and personnel, amendments and/or revisions to the Association charter, dissolution of the corporation and oversight of membership in accordance with the limits and duties specified by the charter by consensus of the Council as they deem fit and in accordance with Wyoming law.