Assessments for Membership Applications

Please click on the links below to take the assessments
when complete click “Submit” AND copy & paste a copy into a Word Document. Save for your records & send a copy to us:
Note: No Evaluation Forms are required for the STR Assessments
Assessment of Fundamentals of Sandplay
The Fundamentals Assessment may be taken in lieu of doing Dr. Turner’s Course Series 100 & 200 on her website. The Assessment is to demonstrate a working familiarity with the classic literature in Jungian Sandplay.
This Assessment uses the classic books in Sandplay: HG Wells’ Floor Games; Dora M. Kalff’s, Sandplay; and Estelle L. Weinrib’s, Images of the Self. To practice Sandplay with clarity, AST supports therapists in having a working knowledge of the Sandplay classic materials. This Assessment can be taken open book, as the questions are designed to enhance understanding and learning.
Members who have completed Dr. Turner’s online Courses Levels 100 & 200, are exempt from this requirement.
To Access the Fundamentals Assessments
Note: There are five parts to the Fundamentals Assessment
Fundamentals 1
Fundamentals 2
Fundamentals 3
Fundamentals 4
Fundamentals 5
Please Note: No Evaluation Forms are required for the Assessments
Assessment of Understanding Sandplay Therapy
The Understanding Sandplay Assessment is designed to determine a candidate’s own understanding of what Sandplay is, and how it works to bring about psychological healing and change. This requires a review and study of your training materials. In addition, material for the neurological aspects of Sandplay therapy can be found in the book, Sandplay and Storytelling: The Impact of imaginative thinking on Children’s Learning and Development (link opens in
Information on Jungian theory and dynamics in Sandplay can be found in The Handbook of Sandplay Therapy. In addition, Dr. Turner’s online Courses, Level 300, provide an in-depth, hands-on experience with Jungian theory in Sandplay.
We understand that therapists are trained differently in various countries. If your training program lacked some core clinical components that are required for assessment, diagnosis and treatment, you may find some wonderful free online courses offered by MIT Open Course Ware [this link opens Psychopathology 1 – use the menu on the left hand side to select the other suggested courses]. Some suggested offerings are:
Psychopathology I & II
Brain I & II
This is a wonderful site, offering top quality psychology courses free of charge. Use their Search feature for “Psychology” to review their many offerings.
On your Assessment, please take care to make your answers concise and clear. Let us know if you have any questions.
Understanding Sandplay Assessment (opens as a Word Document)
Please send an additional copy of your Understanding Assessment to: